If you are looking for somewhere to charge locally or are planning a route, use the map below courtesy of the Open Charge Map. We recommend using the InstaVolt network for all non Tesla cars such as the BMW, Hyundai and Nissan electric vehicles all of which are available at Volt-Age.

Tesla Superchargers

For Tesla’s, you can make use of the Tesla Superchargers which are widely available throughout the UK. The superchargers are the world’s fastest electric vehicle charging network and really simple to use and by entering the destination on your touchscreen in the car, the Trip Planner will route you through the most convenient Superchargers. Tesla’s charging can be complete in as little as 30 minutes, just enough time to have a break at the side of the road. While you grab your coffee or stretch your legs, the Tesla app will notify you when the car is ready to go.

FInd a Ev CHarging Station

The map below makes it super simple to locate an electric car charging point. Using the search bar at the top, search for any address, or alternatively click the GPS target to the right to get your current location through your browser. The slider button to the right to filter connection type, network operator status and more.

If you have any questions or concerns about electric car charging, range anxiety or want to know more about our electric hire cars, get in touch.

Electric Car Charger Map